Today, it’s a rare thing for a company to celebrate 25 years in business. As a pioneer in the non-insured benefits industry, New Benefits is proud to accomplish this milestone. As such, this is a good time to more
Check out our telehealth infographic with the latest facts and figures for this popular more
*This program is NOT insurance coverage, not intended to replace insurance, and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CRM 5.00. It contains a 30-day cancellation period, provides discounts only at the offices of contracted health care providers, and each member is obligated to pay the discounted medical charges in full at the point of service. For a complete list of disclosures, click here. Discount Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 803475, Dallas, TX 75380-3475. ID Sanctuary, DefiniteBenefits, Carry the Card, Coast to Coast Vision, UHS Chiropractic, and their respective logos are trademarks of New Benefits, Ltd.